Hey everyone! I have a new website and EVERYTHING that's on this blog is on it.
If you're interested in having a reading: https://johnsandbach.net/services/
If you're interested in learning more about astrology: https://johnsandbach.net/product/astrology-for-astrologers/
Except that now all the degree symbols are accessed through "The Circular Temple," where you can immediately look up any degree you want, or ask a question and consult the degrees as you would the I Ching or Tarot! Also, you can go to "astrology" and then click on "Midpoints" and then type in any planetary pair, such as "Moon/Neptune" and it will take you to all the planets affecting that midpoint together with an analysis of them. I'm overjoyed with all the help I've gotten on doing this. Thank you Teal and Emilie Potier! And thank you Sandra Sandy for all your encouragement and work posting the degrees. I am blessed. Please, everyone, write me and tell me what you think! Love, John


  1. can you please post the address of your new website.

  2. Hi anaya, I believe this is the new website: http://johnsandbach.com
    Isn't John an amazing teacher? I think it's an art to do in blog format and I'm appreciative of the work he has put into his Internet presence! Cheers, Abella

  3. The jonsandbach.com website is broken right now. I hope it will return?

  4. It is for sale, so... it will not return.

  5. It's now up on www.johnsandbach.org

  6. www.johnsandbach.org is currently blank...

  7. Found it here:

  8. He has a new website you'll have to go there.


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