(99) Omega Chandra Symbols: Aries 16 - 20

Phase 4.Eliminating Negative Thoughts (Ayin Lamed Bet)

Angel: ELEMIAH (eh-LEM-ee-YAH) Divine Power

Aries 16. To rejuvenate himself, a man is partially buried in the earth. Manifesting/Experimental

(Degree Angel: HAKAMIAH (he-KE-mee-YAH) Dumping Depression, Loyalty)

You are able to connect to earthly existence in a direct, full manner. When things have become too confusing, complicated, or too lost in realms of speculation and fantasy you know how to reground back into physical reality. Through your intense and periodic reconnection with the physical world you renew yourself and those that you touch.

The Chandra Symbol for this degree is “Three sculptured birds: one black marble, one white marble, one solid gold.” Fullness and completeness of thinking (the Chandra Symbol's three birds) can only reach its full potency when there is a complete grounding of the mind. To say it another way, contact with the earth realm provides the mind with a laboratory, a place to grow and experiment and to see how thoughts and concepts play out. This is the essence of alchemy – rejuvenation through repeated immersion in the physical (“...buried in the earth”), experiencing consequent cycles of death and rebirth until oneness with the light is attained..

Pleiadian Symbol: The spirits of gems rising out of the ground at dusk.

Azoth Symbol: Warmth and love spreading both ways from a handshake.

Seed degree: Libra 1. An apothecary shop in which herbal concoctions and other medicines appear as needed. (Omega Symbol). Realizing many different ways in which all situations can be furthered and harmonized creates in one a desire to apply those ways directly to the physical world.

A group of fat Italian ladies preparing bread. (Chandra Symbol). When we receive the nurturing we need form earth, we are then ready to soar like birds.

Fulfillment degree: Cancer 2. A man with no navel. (Omega Symbol). When one relates to the whole array of earth energies one transcends any specifically limited needs for earth connection.

A bunch of iron keys. (Chandra Symbol). To soar freely and hence expose oneself to the universe at large causes a great array of potentials to open.


With just my arms and head sticking out of the ground I have become a plant. I feel my toes elongating and growing hair roots, my fingers spouting leaves. My eyes are disappearing, in fact, all my features are melting away, becoming the center of a flower. You know, flowers actually do have faces, although they are invisible, for they're meant to be seen with something other than the eyes.

Aries 17. A man is riding a horse north as he searches for the Kingdom of the Fairies. Manifesting/Sensitive

(Degree Angel: LAVIAH (LAH-vee-YAH) Great Escape, Revelation)

Others may think what you are doing is impractical, or even unintelligible, but there is definitely a a method in your madness. You are looking to connect with spiritual realms, whether you know it or not, and will only be fulfilled if you carry on your seeking regardless of the judgments and criticisms of others.

The Chandra Symbol for this degree is A bodiless head asleep on the beach.” Far, far away is the Kingdom of the Fairies of which the bodiless head dreams. So silent and strangely passive an image for the sign Aries. But the sea is never still and dreams are afoot and the seeming stillness is an illusion. And we come to know, ultimately that the Kingdom of the Fairies is within and that all searches, no matter what their outer agendas, are quests to discover the self.

Pleiadian Symbol: An ancient crone and her shadow talking to each other.

Azoth Symbol: An ancient culture is transporting gigantic stones.

Seed degree: Libra 13. As he matures, a man's paintings become simpler and simpler. (Omega Symbol). An increasing purity and potency of self-expression impels one to yearn toward brighter, lighter frequencies.

Men and women in white towels in a steam bath talking and sweating profusely. (Chandra Symbol). When we release so much that is pent up we come to a point of relaxed, meditative silence.

Fulfillment degree: Leo 2. On the surface of water, flecks of dust floating. (Omega Symbol). The Kingdom of the Fairies is found. All becomes light and floating.

A horn of brass to be used as a hearing aid. (Chandra Symbol). In the meditative silence by the sea all voices of the universe become magnified.


The terrain is becoming more and more desolate and rocky. And the voice of the stream along which the man is riding his horse seems increasingly crystalline. The man feels he can hear directions in its voice, telling him that, yes, he is on the right track. The stream becomes smaller and smaller dwindling to nearly nothing until the man sees that it is being wept from a tiny pearl of incredible beauty that lies on the ground. Swallow me, whispers the voice, and I shall take you to the land you seek.

Aries 18. Sitting in the Lotus posture, a monk’s deceased body is incorruptible. Manifesting/Receptive

(Degree Angel: CALIEL (KA-lee-EL) Fertility, Justice)

You are so able to concentrate on what you're doing that you can outdo yourself, and through this can open up to new levels of being. You need to be very wary of taking in the advice of others, for something in you knows what it is doing despite your probable inability to explain or justify it. Hanging out between worlds allows you to be a free agent, a go-between, a bringer of light into the realm of darkness.

The Chandra Symbol for this degree is “A jellyfish.” The jellyfish is delicate and vulnerable, unlike the incorruptible flesh of the monk. But what they share is a transparency – literal on the part of the jellyfish, and of a higher, vibrational sort in the monk, who has “seen through” the corruptibility of matter into the shining eternity of the soul, thereby uplifting, refining and perfecting the physical self.

This is not to say that everyone who possesses this degree can do this, but it is to say that this degree brings the awareness of this potential – the ability to know intuitively the nature of matter's illusion.

Pleiadian Symbol:Deep in the forest Titania's ancient stone throne covered with moss.

Azoth Symbol: Space aliens inviting some humans to come and see their world.

Seed degree: Libra 25. New words magically appearing in a dictionary. (Omega Symbol). Ever greater and clearer communication carries us into contact with the eternal.

In the midst of a forest, a great circular open area. (Chandra Symbol). A secret space is opened up in which we are protected and can therein become vulnerable and light.

Fulfillment degree: Virgo 2. A table on which many healings have been performed. (Omega Symbol). The transcendence of others provide a groundwork upon which future healings can occur.

A man hanging upside down from a tree. (Chandra Symbol). Finding lightness and subtlety within, we are able to accept our karma and wait patiently for eventual liberation.


For two hundred years he's been sitting there, on his dais, legs folded, eyes closed, a vague smile on his face. For those who need to be able to see beyond the disintegration of all things, for those who thirst to believe in that realm beyond change. One day he shall suddenly turn to dust, his clothes gently collapsing into a pile. When the legend is ready to be born.

Aries 19. A skeleton dressed in garlands of flowers. Manifesting/Responsible

(Degree Angel: LEUVIAH (LOO-vee-YAH) Dialing God, Expansive Intelligence/Fruition)

You rejoice in change and renewal. You have an immense capacity of making the best of things through your always-fresh approach to experience. You are good at taking old ideas and dressing them up in new attire, and have a refreshing effect on whatever you touch. Your ability to combine practicality with beauty helps to overcome the boredom and dreariness of the world.

The Chandra Symbol for this degree is “Someone performing trephination.” The skull is hard because the brain needs a lot of defending, but any defense system can also become a prison – and so the hardness of the skull needs an opening through which it can connect to a greater reality. Break through the hard crystallized thought forms that we have turned into a wall to defend the brain, and see that death (the skeleton) and life (the flowers) are one, and beautiful.

Pleiadian Symbol: A rug grows larger and larger, sprouting grass, trees, and flowers as it turns into a landscape.

Azoth Symbol: The portrait of a man grows younger and younger.

Seed degree: Scorpio 7. A poem has disappeared from a sheet of paper. All that is left behind is a few iridescent stains. (Omega Symbol). The poem dematerialized reveals by its death the beautiful and refreshing nature of dying.

A small cave located high in the hills and filled with goat dung. (Chandra Symbol). The waste products of old cycles reemerge to fertilize new forms which contain the essence of the old combined with a new vibrancy. This releases the pressure of limited ways of living that has built up within us.

Fulfillment degree: Libra 2. A vast tract of windmills. (Omega Symbol).
To learn to love death and to be thankful for its gifts allows us to embrace and be fully empowered by the breath of life.

An a apprentice medicine man allowing himself to be bitten by a snake (Chandra Symbol). Having made our mind more receptive to new possibilities we let down our defenses and open ourselves to the assimilation of them.


On a spring day a skeleton had become so bored sleeping in a grave that he dug himself out, and finding the cemetery filled with fresh flowers, wove them into garlands and hung them all over his bones, reveling in their beauty. As he was dancing around the cemetery he noticed some mourners who, though they looked his way, seemed not to see him. Their fear of death had made him invisible.

Aries 20. Streets littered with many colors of confetti. Manifesting/Inspired

(Degree Angel: PAHALIAH (pa-HA-lee-YAH) Victory Over Addictions, Redemption)

You have the ability to bring a vibration of celebration into all aspects of everyday life. You are communicating to people how to renew themselves and how to blossom out of their set patterns and routines. It is important to not become frustrated if your message sometimes isn't heard. You are on a different wavelength from other people – many can not embrace the joy and enthusiasm for life that you can. But don't let this stop you, for people need the exuberant energy you have to offer.

The Chandra Symbol for this degree is “An empty courtyard.” Before change can happen there must be a place prepared inside so that the new may enter. Celebration is the acknowledgment that something important has occurred and that it should be honored. But once the celebration is over the way is clear for the next step of the journey, blessed with the colors of the recent triumph.

The confetti lying in the streets is about what is over, the empty courtyard is about what is coming, and this degree stands at the cross-roads of that time of renewal, acknowledging the past, open to the future.

Pleidian Symbol: A young girl feeding diamonds to a flock of baby phoenixes.

Azoth Symbol: By intuition a healer chooses the proper remedy.

Seed degree: Scorpio 19. An angel kisses a man while he sleeps. (Omega Symbol).
To give free rein to our joy creates an immediate connection with higher beings who wish to communicate their love for us.

A rope going up in the sky. (Chandra Symbol). When we allow ourselves to connect with higher vibrations we find a protected space in which we may be protected from the conflicts of earthly existence.

Fulfillment degree: Scorpio 2. A lighthouse is moved inland. (Omega symbol).
Embracing the joys of life eventually makes one aware of the need to protect the light one has to share with others from destructive influences.

A large, stately bronze horse. (Chandra Symbol). To find our peaceful and protected center apart from the outer world connects us directly to our personal power.


The celebrations were over and cars were running over the colored confetti. The rainbows had been thrown from high buildings, glittering down onto the parade. Now the thousands of pieces strewn everywhere were merging with the rest of the city's trash and dirt. But even as they were increasingly obliterated, they left behind a residue of joy that all felt, even those who weren't aware of it.


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